
Showing posts from August, 2018

Un-Safe Sea Jellyfish Lotion - OceanLine's Titanic Thailand Omission

For almost 10 years, OceanLine - the Phuket-based importer and distributor of Safe Sea Sunscreen with Jellyfish Sting Protection - has been claiming that this product is effective in preventing stings from jellyfish. In one breath they say it "protects the skin against jellyfish stings" and in the other it "helps protect against most jellyfish". Well, which is it? All or most?   

Aaargh-loha! Hawaiian Sting Study Welcomes Volunteers

Hawai'ian hospitality usually delivered with a traditional lei welcome has gone to the next level. And this time you could be the lucky one saying "aaaaaargh" instead of "aloha". The call has gone out on local TV for volunteers, and for a princely reward of US$100, you can subject your body and soul to a box jellyfish sting.

Can Box Jellyfish Top This Netflix List?

Netflix has launched its latest 72 Dangerous Animals documentary, and this time it visits Asia.

3 Children Dead - Philippines Box Jellyfish Shock & Shame

Three young children in the space of only four weeks have sadly died in the Philippines from box jellyfish stings. Local media reported that the tragedies occurred in areas known to have box jellyfish. There were no warning signs, no available vinegar, no emergency procedures. No-one knew what to do.